The Barber Family Foundation has one funding round per year and awards scholarships for both academic and recreational programs. In 2024, all applications must be submitted online through the link below by March 29, 2024.
The Charles and Frances Barber Scholarship
This college scholarship is awarded annually to a Pittsfield High School graduating senior in memory of Charles and Frances Barber. Charles was a lifetime resident of Pike County and a graduate of Pittsfield High School. Frances was a long-time resident and taught in the Pittsfield school system.
The K.C. and Eleanor Barber Scholarship
This college scholarship is awarded annually to a Pittsfield High School graduating senior who participates and excels in the school’s golf program. The award is made in memory of K.C. Barber, who was a longtime Pittsfield resident and veteran of World War II, and his wife Eleanor. K was the seven time club champion at Old Orchard Country Club and also once won as club champion at Jacksonville Country Club. Eleanor was an avid golfer and also charter member of Old Orchard CC.
Charles Austin “Chip” Barber IV University of Illinois Scholarship
This college scholarship is awarded annually to a Pike County student to students attending the University of Illinois.
Mary Longyear Barber Scholarship
This $1,500 college scholarship is awarded annually to a Pike County student who is a musician and / or plans to go into the healthcare or other field to serve others. The award is offered in memory of Mary L. Barber who was an accomplished pianist and a lifelong music lover. Even in her later years when she suffered from Alzheimer’s, she was able to find comfort and joy in music. Mary lived a life of service and spent many hours volunteering and serving others most notably with the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary.